message-write  Principal’s Message

"Tomorrow is for them to live up to high ideas and walk on the path of righteousness"

about school

It is said Error is lack of guidance, darkness is absence of light, ignorance is lack of knowledge and falsehood is lack & truthfulness. The absence of knowledge through ignorance needs slogan.

Education needs proper components; so that we human beings create a better world. Education is incomplete till students attain values of dignity of labor, love for fellow human being, affinity for group activities and selfless help for needy. This is called to here education which should be given coming generations.

Therefore innovation would be encouraged in our curriculum to foster this. The knowledge attained by this will make the students independent, with clear vision of their goals and will not lead then into dark valley of ignorance and darkness.

Principal Name

Why Choose Us

An exclusively English medium school, St. Mary’s is setting new standards in the education of the children in 21st century and preparing them for the future in all aspects. St. Mary’s Convent school offers a motivating and inspiring environment and opportunities for every child’s comprehensive development including body, mind, heart and spirit so that ordinary children begin to perform extraordinarily.

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